(a) List five non-government agricultural organizations in West Africa. (b) State four ways in which agriculture and industry are interrelated (c) Give one function of each of the following parts of a disc plough (i) disc (ii) beam (iii) furrow wheel (iv) disc scraper (v) hitch (d) State four disadvantages of animal power
(a) Non-governmental agricultural organisations in West Africa - West African Rice DevelopmentAgency/Association (WARDA) - International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA) - International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA) - International Livestock Research In-structed (ILRI) -International Fund forAgricultural Development (IFAD) - International Crop Research Institute for semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) - Hunger project - Adventist ReliefAgency (ADRA) - Catholic Relief Services (CRS) - World Vision International - International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF)
(b) Ways in which agriculture and industry are interrelated - Agriculture provides food, clothing and shelter for those who work in the industry -Agriculture provides raw materials for industries - Agriculture provides market for industrial prod-ucts/goods such as tools, machinery - Agriculture promotes industrial labour - Industries add value to agricultural produce by procesing, storing, packaging and transporting them to final consumers - Agro-chemical industries produce fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, drugs and feed additives which boost agricultural production - Seed industries provide agriculture with viable and high yielding seeds
(c) Functions of parts of a disc plough (i) disc: It cuts into the soil and turns it over (ii) beam: Disc standards are connected to it/ Holds disc in position/provides additional greater depth (iii) furrow wheel: stabilises the disc plough/keeps furrows wall clean (iv) disc scraper: removes soil from the disc (v) hitch: point of attachment to the tractor
(d) Disadvantages of animal power - Animals are susceptoble to diseases and death - power output is low - animals can get fatigued - animal power is not suitable for large scale production - the use of animal power is restricted to certain climatic zones e.g tse-tse fly free zones - animals cannot perform optimally at certain times of the day especially during hot weather - poor handling of animals may cause poor per-formance/animals may refuse to work when poorly handled - animal power cannot be used to perform certain farm operations such as harvesting and processing of farm produce as they may eat up the farm produce