(a) Give three advantages and three disadvantages of the deep litter system of poultry management. [6 marks] (b) State three reasons for carrying out each of the following animal husbandry practices: (i) castration of goats; (ii) creep feeding of pigs. [6 marks] (c) Name four local breeds of cattle reared in West Africa. [4marks]
(a) Advantages and Disadvantages of the deep litter system of poultry management: Advantages - It increases efficiency in poultry management - It maximizes the use of land/large flock of birds can be managed -It maximizes the use of labour/cost of labour is reduced -Birds are well protected / protection from predators and thieves -Cost of labour is reduced -Easy to control houseflies and mosquitoes -Birds are able to exercise Suitable for rearing breeding stock - Birds are protected against harsh weather Disadvantages - Cost of construction of deep litter house is high - Cannibalism and pecking among birds are common - There is wastage of feed by birds - Litter makes eggs dirty - Diseases spread easily - Not easy to identify unproductive birds - Pecking of eggs/destruction of eggs is common -Pests e.g. lice, fleas etc. infestation is high -Feed and water contamination is high - Difficult to keep records on individual birds -Disease control measures are difficult to carry out. (b) Reasons for carrying out animal husbandry practices (i) Castration of goats -To control indiscriminate mating - To quicken the fattening-up process - To remove offensive odour -To prevent spread of sexually transmitted diseases - To tame the Billy goat/docility Animals feed better/grow faster (ii) Creep feeding of pigs - To avoid overlay of piglets by sow - To keep the feed meant for the piglets out of reach of sows - To provide highly nutritious diet to the piglets for their rapid development - It facilitates early weaning of piglets -Allows for early servicing of sows (c) Local breeds of cattle reared in West Africa -Kuri -Muturu/ West African Short Horn - White Fulani - Red Bororo - Sokoto Gudali -N'dama - Keteku/Borgu/Sanga/Mere - Wadara/Shuwa - Azawal -Boule -Adamawa -Lagune - Somba/Kapsiki/Namohi/Bakosi