(a) Name four breeds of chicken used for commercial egg production. 14 marks] (b) State two functions of each of the following components in the diet of farm animals: (i) water (ii) minerals (ii) antibiotics (iv) protein [8 marks] (c) Enumerate four advantages of the intensive system of rearing ruminants. [4 marks]
(a) Breeds of chicken used for commercial egg production -White leghorn Rhode Island Red - New Hampshire - Plymouth Rock -Anstralop - Brown Leghorn - Light Sussex - Barred Plymouth Rock (b) Functions of the following components in the diet of farm animals (i) Water -The bodies of most animals contain 55 - 65% Water/ Constituent body fluid and blood - Helps to digest feed - Helps to get rid of waste materials -Constituent of many body fluids and blood -Involved in body metabolism - Regulates body temperature - Involved in the production of saliva -Helps to maintain body turgidity - Helps in the transport of nutrients - Solvent for most body nutrients (ii) Minerals - Required by the body in certain quantities to ensure good health and productivity -Present in muscles for muscle contractions - Comprise about 3% of animal body - Constituent of milk, egg and meat -Maintain pH balance of body fluids/Acid-base balance -Help in the formulation of hormones -Regulate blood clotting - Prevent diseases - Promote body growth -Help in formation of haemoglobin and protein/ constituent of protein -Help in bone and teeth formation/prevent tooth decay - Help in proper functioning of the nervous system. (iii) Antibiotics -Help the body to fight disease-causing micro-organisms -Improve early growth of poultry, pigs and non-ruminants generally -Increase absorption of nutrients from the digestive tract -Help to heal sores/wounds in animals at (iv) Protein - Protein is used in the building of flesh/muscles - Repairs worn-out tissues -Helps in the formation of digestive juices and other intestinal secretions (enzymes and hormones) -Protein may supply energy to the body -Helps in the building of protective covering (skin/hair/feathers/wools/nails) - It is a constituent of blood -Required for the growth of young animals -Helps in the formation of eggs and milk -Helps in the formation of reproductive gametes (c) Advantages of the intensive system of rearing ruminants -It gives animals protection against environmental hazards/exposure to adverse weather conditions -There is proper supervision of animals -Record keeping is made easier -It allows for automation e.g. use of automatic feeders and drinkers -Protection against theft -Protection against predators -Indiscriminate mating is reduced -Sick animals are easily identified -Reduces incidence of disease infection -Reduces incidence of pest infestation -Ensures adequate and balance feeding -Ensures provision of better health care -Animals do not destroy farmers crops -Allows efficient use of labour -High stocking density for all species of animals -It gives animals protection against physical hazards -It enhances performance of the animals