(a) Definition of crop improvement: This is the science (ii) that deals with the development of new crop varieties with superior quality and quantity.
| TC | Tc | tC | tc |
TC | (TTCC) | TTCc | TtCC | TtCc |
Tc | TTcC | (TTcc) | TtcC | Ttcc |
tC | tTCC | tTCc | ttCC | ttCc |
tc | tTcC | tTcc | (ttcC) | (ttcc) |
(c) Tall Coloured: TTCC, TTCc, TtCC, TtCc, TTcC, TtcC, tTCC, tTCc, tTcC = 9
Tall white: TTcc, Ttcc, tTcc, = 3
Dwarf Coloured: ttCC, ttCc, ttcC = 3
Dwarf white: ttcc = 1 ,.
Calculation of percentage of plants that are:
Tall Coloured = 9/16 x 100 = 56.25%
(ii) Tall White = 3/16 x 100 = 18.75%
(iii) Dwarf Coloured = 3/16 x 100 = 18.75%
(iv) Dwarf White = 1/16 x 100 = 6.25% %
Total = 100.00%