Describe briefly the cultivation of maize under the following headings: (a) land preparation; (b) propagation; (c) planting date; (d) seed rate; (e) spacing; (f) fertilizer requirement; (g) weeding; (h) harvesting; (i) storage
Cultivation of maize (a) Land Preparation: (1) land should be cleared (ii) land should be ploughed. (iii) land should be harrowed (iv) ridges can also be prepared
(b) Propagation: (i) propagated by seed. (ii) may be planted manually. (iii) may be planted machanically.
(c) Planting Date: (i) early maize is planted between March and April. (ii) late maize is planted in August. (iii) maize (early or late) is also planted depending on location and rainfall.
(d) Seed Rate: (i) 25 - 30kg maize seed is recommended per hectare. (ii) 2 - 3 seeds are also recommended per hole. (iii) quantity usually depends on spacing I plant population desired.
(e) Spacing: (i) as sole crop, is 25cm along the the row and 75cm between the row, that is 25cm x 75cm. (iii) also 30cm x 90cm along and between the row respectively.
(f) Fertilizer Requirements: (i) apply 200kg (4 bags) of NPK 15:15:15 per hectare at planting. (ii) apply 250kg (5 bags) of CAN or 150kg (3 bags) of Urea per hectar, 5 - 6 weeks after planting. (iii) apply farmyard/poultry dropping/ organic manure as side dressing or by broadcast method.
(g) Weeding: (i) should be done regularly and manually (hoeing, cutlassing.) (iii) done chemically. (iv) done mechanically.
(h) Harvesting: (i) matures 90 - 120 days after planting. (ii) harvested either green or dry. (iii) mostly harvested green for consumption when the silk dries and turns brown. (iv) harvested by plucking the cobs on a small scale and by machines such as corn-picker on a large scale.
(i) a Storage: (i) cobs are stored in cribs, on a small scale (ii) cobs are stored in rhumbus, on a small scale. (iii) cobs are stored in a fire-place, on a small scale (iv) dry grains are stored in silos, on a large scale. (v) store in air - tight